
ISF Class of 2015 Senior Signature

We are very impressed with the magnificent “Senior Signature” that our Grade 12 students have created!  60 of our graduating Seniors (Grade 12 students) got together after school and created a large framed banner that will be permanently displayed in the school. They came up with the design on their own and worked together to come up with a beautiful representation of their class spirit.  The purpose of this project is to give our Seniors a chance to leave a permanent “mark” at ISF and expresses their sense of class pride. It is something that they can be very proud of for years to come, and we hope that it will inspire them to return to ISF again and again after graduation. We also hope that the Class of 2015’s Senior Signature will inspire future Senior classes to come up with equally beautiful and creative designs.
Many thanks to Ms. C. (SLO Coordinator), Mr. R. (Head of Art), Mr. H. (Hausmeister), and Mr. S.
(Director) for their inspiration, support and assistance. The initiator and overall facilitator of the project was Mr. T.
(University and Careers Advisors).

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